child labour in auto industry in Pakistan

Rapid assessment of child labour in automobile repair workshops in Pakistan

This Rapid Assessment examines child labour at automobile repair workshops in Pakistan, with a view to providing updated information on its magnitude, identifying factors that push children into this form of child labour and reviewing national efforts to address the phenomenon. Based on its findings, it offers recommendations for policy design, implementation and action by stakeholders to eliminate and prevent…

KP Child Labour Survey 2022

The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Child Labour Survey (KPCLS) 2022 is the first child labour survey to provide district level results in the province. Earlier in 1996 a National CLS was carried out at provincial/territory level in Pakistan. The 2022 KPCLS provides unique information about the living conditions of children in the…

Diagnostic Study of Nikkahnamas in Punjab

This report is a comprehensive research study, conducted by the Centre for Human Rights and Musawi Private Limited, in collaboration with the National Commission for Human Rights and the American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative to evaluate the current state of women’s marriage rights in Punjab. With a focus…

NCRC Strategic Plan 2023-2026

The strategic plan lays out NCRC’s vision, mission and approach to promote and protect children’s rights in Pakistan over the next four years. It introduces the commission and presents the strategic priorities and 5Es methodology of engagement, education, enforcement, evaluation and evidence generation. The overarching goal is to establish an…

Toolkit: Juvenile Justice System

The Juvenile Justice System Act 2018 (JJSA) was enacted on 22nd May, 2018 in Pakistan with the object to provide an effective criminal justice system and enable social reintegration for juvenile. However, children below the age of 18 are not dealt properly and the stakeholders are not well conversant with…

Upholding Inclusivity: Minority Rights Initiatives 2022-2023

The National Commission for Human Rights (NCHR) presents a comprehensive report detailing the array of initiatives undertaken to bolster minority rights across various provinces in Pakistan. This pivotal document encapsulates the strides made in addressing critical issues such as forced conversions, safeguarding places of worship, fortifying socio-economic rights, ensuring access…

Caring for Child Survivors of Sexual Abuse Guidelines

The report “Caring for Child Survivors of Sexual Abuse” is a collaborative effort by UNICEF and the International Rescue Committee. It offers comprehensive guidelines that outline a practical approach to assisting child survivors of sexual abuse, as well as their families, in their recovery and healing process. The main objective…

National Infographic Report on Justice for/with Children

“National Infographic Report on Justice for/with Children” provides data on initiatives taken in Pakistan from December 2017 to September 2021 to establish justice for/with children in line with international standards. It outlines the legal framework for child rights in Pakistan based on the UNCRC and Constitutional provisions for equality, protection…


Commentaries on the encompass wide range of views and perspectives and do not reflect the Position of NCRC, OBUN2 or the Government of Pakistan.

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