child labour in auto industry in Pakistan

Rapid assessment of child labour in automobile repair workshops in Pakistan

This Rapid Assessment examines child labour at automobile repair workshops in Pakistan, with a view to providing updated information on its magnitude, identifying factors that push children into this form of child labour and reviewing national efforts to address the phenomenon. Based on its findings, it offers recommendations for policy design, implementation and action by stakeholders to eliminate and prevent…

KP Child Labour Survey 2022

The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Child Labour Survey (KPCLS) 2022 is the first child labour survey to provide district level results in the province. Earlier in 1996 a National CLS was carried out at provincial/territory level in Pakistan. The 2022 KPCLS provides unique information about the living conditions of children in the…

Punjab Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey KFR 2024

The Punjab (Pakistan) 2024 MICS Key Findings Report provides insights into the well-being of children, women, and households, based on data from 45,000+ households. Launched by the Bureau of Statistics (BoS) Punjab with UNICEF’s support, the report aids policy decisions and SDG progress monitoring. Officials highlighted its role in equitable development…

Policy Brief: Employment of Children in Pakistan

The Policy Brief on the Employment of Children in Pakistan analyzes child labour laws and highlights Pakistan’s commitment to international conventions like the UNCRC and ILO. It differentiates between child work and child labour, emphasizing the latter’s harmful effects. The brief calls for uniform child labour laws post-18th Amendment, addressing…

Global Report on TRAFFICKING IN PERSONS 2024

Human trafficking remains a global crisis, with rising cases after the pandemic, particularly affecting women, children, and vulnerable groups. Forced labor has become the most common form of exploitation, followed by sexual exploitation, while justice systems struggle to address these crimes effectively. Organized crime networks play a significant role in…

The State of the World’s Children Report 2024

This year’s State of the World’s Children Report examines the forces and trends shaping our world today and reflects on how they might shape the future. The report explores three megatrends that will profoundly impact children’s lives between now and 2050: demographics shifts, the climate and environmental crises and frontier…

Expanding the Women’s Rights through Judicial Jurisprudence

Expanding the Women’s Rights through Judicial Jurisprudence” is a landmark two-volume book that explores the role of the apex judiciary in Pakistan in recognizing and enforcing women’s rights. Volume 1 focuses on rape and women’s right to inheritance, while Volume 2 addresses domestic violence and child marriage. The book sheds…

Tech Platforms Used by Online CSA offenders

Tech Platforms Used by Online Child sexual abuse offenders is a study released by Helsinki-based child rights NGO which provides alarming insights into the technology platforms frequently used by online child sexual abuse offenders. The research involved surveying over 30,000 active offenders and reveals significant information to combat the proliferation…

NCRC Annual Report 2023-2024

The Annual Report 2023-2024 of NCRC provides a comprehensive overview of the organization’s functions, highlighting their 5 Es Approach, the launch of a 3-year strategic plan, and the establishment of strategic partnerships. The report then delves into their notable progress in addressing crucial issues such as child labor in domestic…

Technical Note on Child Protection for Children on the Move

This report, titled “Child Protection for Children on the Move,” provides an overview of the role National Commission for Human Rights (NCHR) in Pakistan in promoting and protecting the rights of Afghan refugee children in Pakistan. It defines key terms and specifications related to child protection, discusses the legal framework…

Interwoven Lives, Threads of Hope

The UNFPA State of World Population 2024 report, titled “Interwoven Lives, Threads of Hope,” focuses on ending inequalities in sexual and reproductive health and rights. It celebrates 30 years of progress since the landmark International Conference on Population and Development in Cairo in 1994, while also addressing the persistent challenges…
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Commentaries on the encompass wide range of views and perspectives and do not reflect the Position of NCRC, OBUN2 or the Government of Pakistan.

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