child labour - Page 6

child labour in auto industry in Pakistan

Rapid assessment of child labour in automobile repair workshops in Pakistan

This Rapid Assessment examines child labour at automobile repair workshops in Pakistan, with a view to providing updated information on its magnitude, identifying factors that push children into this form of child labour and reviewing national efforts to address the phenomenon. Based on its findings, it offers recommendations for policy design, implementation and action by stakeholders to eliminate and prevent…

KP Child Labour Survey 2022

The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Child Labour Survey (KPCLS) 2022 is the first child labour survey to provide district level results in the province. Earlier in 1996 a National CLS was carried out at provincial/territory level in Pakistan. The 2022 KPCLS provides unique information about the living conditions of children in the…

DHA Resident Faces Case for Minor Maid’s Abuse

LAHORE: Defence B police registered a First Information Report against a resident of DHA Phase V for allegedly severely mistreating their 13-year-old maid on charges of theft. Police took action after Nabila Bibi, mother of the minor girl Tehreem, reported the brutal treatment her daughter had endured. Following the registration…

Institution For Out-of-School Children Opened

TAXILA: A school for street and out-of-school children, especially those working in brick kilns, workshops, hotels, and begging, has been opened in Attock. At the Subh-i-Nau (early morning) School, enrolled children will receive free uniforms, school bags, and stationery supported by Jica, the Department of Education, and philanthropists. Addressing the…

NCRC launches State of Children in Pakistan Portal

ISLAMABAD:The National Commission on the Rights of Child (NCRC) commemorated the World Day Against Child Labour on June 12, 2024 by launching the State of Children in Pakistan portal and presenting its annual report for 2023-24. This event marks a significant step forward in the fight against child labour and…

Collective efforts needed to eliminate child labour

KARACHI: As countries observe World Day Against Child Labour on 12 June 2024, government officials, rights activists, members of civil society and other stakeholders asked the government and employers on 12 June 2024 to take collective measures to eliminate the menace of child labour from the country. At a seminar…

700,000 children in Punjab are living on streets

LAHORE: Speakers at a seminar and panel discussion have called for more effective enforcement of existing laws and collective action to control child trafficking, child labour and child marriages. In the event organised by the Sustainable Social Development Organisation (SSDO), in collaboration with the Child Protection and Welfare Bureau (CPWB),…

The helpless help

Pakistan has many legislations for the protection of women and safeguarding women’s rights but the burning question is the implementation of those laws and delayed justice. According to the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) approximately 1,000 women are killed in honour killings annually. These figures differ and do not…

Unicef Pakistan launches National Gender Strategy

ISLAMABAD: Unicef Pakistan on 30 April, 20204 launched its National Gender Strategy (2024-2027) to bring about lasting and transformative change for millions of girls between 10-19 years. Unicef said that if the strategy was implemented effectively from urban to rural areas, it could drive change, address inequalities and improve the…

Employer held as minor home help succumbs to burns

LAHORE: Police have arrested a man after a minor girl succumbed to the burns she allegedly suffered while working as home help at his Millat Park residence. Identified as Zainab (9), the girl was employed at the house of the suspect, Salman, who claimed that she had suffered burns when…
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Commentaries on the encompass wide range of views and perspectives and do not reflect the Position of NCRC, OBUN2 or the Government of Pakistan.

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