child labour in auto industry in Pakistan

Rapid assessment of child labour in automobile repair workshops in Pakistan

This Rapid Assessment examines child labour at automobile repair workshops in Pakistan, with a view to providing updated information on its magnitude, identifying factors that push children into this form of child labour and reviewing national efforts to address the phenomenon. Based on its findings, it offers recommendations for policy design, implementation and action by stakeholders to eliminate and prevent…

KP Child Labour Survey 2022

The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Child Labour Survey (KPCLS) 2022 is the first child labour survey to provide district level results in the province. Earlier in 1996 a National CLS was carried out at provincial/territory level in Pakistan. The 2022 KPCLS provides unique information about the living conditions of children in the…

Situation Analysis of Children in Pakistan

The Situation Analysis of Children in Pakistan, published by UNICEF Pakistan, considers the progress made in recent years and outlines issues to be considered in policy-making to strengthen the realisation of children’s rights. While taking stock of progress in Pakistan, it also identifies gaps and priorities for government-led programme interventions.…

The State of Children in Pakistan

The state of children in Pakistan is a complex issue that is affected by a variety of factors. Many children in Pakistan face significant challenges. “The State of Children in Pakistan” report profiles the state of child rights and conditions of children in Pakistan, nationally, provincially and special areas/ territories,…

Policy Brief on the Legal Framework for Child Marriage in Pakistan

Child marriage is a significant issue in Pakistan, where according to the UN, Pakistan has the sixth-highest number of child brides in the world.  Child marriage has serious consequences for the girls involved, including a higher risk of health problems, domestic violence, and poverty. Girls who are married young are…

Policy Brief on Street-Connected Children

Street children are one of the most vulnerable and marginalised groups in Pakistan. Street-connected children in Pakistan refer to children who live and work on the streets, lacking a stable home or family support. These children are at high risk of abuse, exploitation, and neglect. The National Commission on the…
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