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Child Rights

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Latest Research and Publications

A Compilation of Food and Nutrition Laws in Pakistan

The report “A Compilation of Food and Nutrition Laws in Pakistan” is a comprehensive compilation of federal and provincial laws in Pakistan related to food and nutrition to raise awareness among the general public about these laws and their implications.

Interwoven Lives, Threads of Hope

The UNFPA State of World Population 2024 report, titled “Interwoven Lives, Threads of Hope,” focuses on ending inequalities in sexual and reproductive health and rights. It celebrates 30 years of progress since the landmark International Conference on Population and Development

State of Human Rights in 2023

“State of Human Rights in 2023” is a report of Human Right Commission of Pakistan which provides a comprehensive overview of the human rights situation in Pakistan during the specified year at federal and provincial levels. The report highlights various

Pakistan Non-Formal Education Annual Statistical Report 2021-22

The Non-Formal Education Statistics Report 2021-22 is a report jointly organized by Pakistan Institute for Education-PIE, Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training & JICA-AQAL Project to present a clear picture of statistics to all stakeholders, including lawmakers, policymakers, educationists,

NCRC Action Plan 2023-2026

The National Commission on the Rights of Child (NCRC) Action Plan for 2023-2026 aims to improve the enforcement of child rights in Pakistan through collaborative efforts of state and non-state actors. It outlines three main goals which are to increase

Situation Analysis of Child Labour in Punjab

“Situation Analysis of Child Labour in Punjab” is a report by SFJPK which provides a concise overview of the situation analysis of child labour in Punjab. Punjab, the most populous province in Pakistan, faces significant challenges in addressing child labour.
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