The National Commission on the Rights of Child (NCRC) is a National Human Rights Institution (NHRIs) established by the Federal Government in exercise of the powers conferred on it by Section 3(1) of the National Commission on the Rights of Child Act, 2017 (XXXII of 2017) on February 28, 2020 as an independent statutory body.
Status of the Commission
The First term of the Commission was completed on Feb 27, 2023. The New Chairperson, Ms. Ayesha Raza Farooq and members from respective provinces and ICT region were appointed on 11 April 2023.
Mandate of the NCRC
The NCRC has an overarching mandate in line with international obligations and for matters related to the promotion, protection and realisation of the rights of children, as enshrined in the NCRC Act, 2017. The NCRC has been established as an oversight body to ensure that all laws, policies, programmes and administrative mechanisms are consistent with the perspective of children’s rights as enshrined in the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).
The National Commission on the Rights of Child has a broad and overarching mandate for the promotion, protection and fulfilment of child rights in Pakistan. The primary functions and powers of the NCRC include, among others, to conduct inquiries into allegations of child rights abuse(s); review existing and proposed legislation from child rights perspective; carry out research and advise on policy matters pertaining to the situation of child rights in Pakistan; contribute awareness-raising and advocacy initiatives and suggest measures to follow up on the implementation of concluding observation of the Committee. The Commission became operational in February 2020, with the appointment of the Chairperson and its Members.
Composition of the NCRC Commission
The Commission consists of a Chairperson and seven members (one from each of the 4 provinces, one from ICT, and two child members). It also includes ex-officio members – i.e., civil servants of grade 20 and above – from the Ministries of Human Rights, Interior, and Foreign Affairs, the Chairs of the provincial children’s commissions, and the Chairs of the NCHR and NCSW.
NCRC Core Team
The core team is chaired by the Chairperson, one commissioner representing each province, and two child members.
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