
Pakistan Economic Survey 2023-24

The Pakistan Economic Survey is an annual publication by the Ministry of Finance that offers a comprehensive review of the country’s economic performance over the past fiscal year. It covers a wide range of topics, including GDP growth, sectoral contributions, fiscal and monetary developments, trade and balance of payments, and investment trends. In addition to these core economic indicators, the…

SPARC State of Pakistan’s Children Report

“State of Children Report” is an annual publication produced by the Society for the Protection of the Rights of the Child (SPARC), a non-governmental organization based in Pakistan. The report provides information on the situation of children in the country, covering various aspects such as health, education, violence against children,…

Report: Digital Marketing Of Breastmilk Substitutes

Breastfeeding is widely recognized as the best source of nutrition for infants, providing significant benefits to both the infant and mother. However, the use of infant formula has become increasingly common on a global scale, largely due to powerful marketing strategies employed by the formula industry. The aim of this…

Educational Exclusion of Children with Special Needs

The report “Educational Exclusion of Children with Special Needs” published by the Pakistan Institute of Development Economics (PIDE) examines the challenges faced by children with special needs in accessing quality education in Pakistan using data from the Pakistan Social Living Standards Measurement (PSLM) 2019-20. It analyzes the various factors that…

NCRC Strategic Plan 2023-2026

The strategic plan lays out NCRC’s vision, mission and approach to promote and protect children’s rights in Pakistan over the next four years. It introduces the commission and presents the strategic priorities and 5Es methodology of engagement, education, enforcement, evaluation and evidence generation. The overarching goal is to establish an…

The State of Children in Pakistan

The state of children in Pakistan is a complex issue that is affected by a variety of factors. Many children in Pakistan face significant challenges. “The State of Children in Pakistan” report profiles the state of child rights and conditions of children in Pakistan, nationally, provincially and special areas/ territories,…


Commentaries on the encompass wide range of views and perspectives and do not reflect the Position of NCRC, OBUN2 or the Government of Pakistan.

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