Pakistan Education Statistics 2021-22 – Highlights Report

The highlights report summarizes key findings from the Pakistan Education Statistics 2021-22 report published by the Pakistan Institute of Education. The report highlights various aspects of the education system in Pakistan, including the number of educational institutions, enrollment statistics, public-private divide, intake and participation rates, and out-of-school children. According to the report, Pakistan has a total of 313,418 educational institutions across…

Annual Status of Education Pakistan 2023 – Provisional

The Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) is a survey of the quality of education. ASER seeks to identify gaps in educational data by looking to provide a reliable set of data at the national level, that is comprehensive and, at the same time, easy to understand. This year, ASER…

A Compilation of Food and Nutrition Laws in Pakistan

The report “A Compilation of Food and Nutrition Laws in Pakistan” is a comprehensive compilation of federal and provincial laws in Pakistan related to food and nutrition to raise awareness among the general public about these laws and their implications. The report includes a wide range of laws, regulations, and…

Pakistan Non-Formal Education Annual Statistical Report 2021-22

The Non-Formal Education Statistics Report 2021-22 is a report jointly organized by Pakistan Institute for Education-PIE, Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training & JICA-AQAL Project to present a clear picture of statistics to all stakeholders, including lawmakers, policymakers, educationists, and researchers. The report includes the following statistics: 81% of…

NCRC Action Plan 2023-2026

The National Commission on the Rights of Child (NCRC) Action Plan for 2023-2026 aims to improve the enforcement of child rights in Pakistan through collaborative efforts of state and non-state actors. It outlines three main goals which are to increase awareness and mobilization for child rights, enhance enforcement of child…

Annual Status of Education Pakistan 2023 National Report – Urban and Rural

The Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) Pakistan 2023 presents findings from the national household-based learning assessment conducted across both rural and urban areas of Pakistan. Methodology: Rural survey covered 151 districts, with 30 villages sampled per district and 20 households surveyed in each village. Urban survey covered 123 districts…

Allocations versus Expenditures in Education Finance – Policy Note

The policy note titled “Falling Through the Cracks: Allocations versus Expenditures in Education Finance” highlights the issue of underspending in the education sector in Pakistan. Despite an increase in the total education budget, underspend remains a significant problem. Pakistan’s investment in education, at 1.7% of GDP, is below the international…

Educational Exclusion of Children with Special Needs

The report “Educational Exclusion of Children with Special Needs” published by the Pakistan Institute of Development Economics (PIDE) examines the challenges faced by children with special needs in accessing quality education in Pakistan using data from the Pakistan Social Living Standards Measurement (PSLM) 2019-20. It analyzes the various factors that…

Educating Girls: Increasing Retention for Greater Impact – Policy Note

“Educating Girls: Increasing Retention for Greater Impact – Policy Note” is published by the Planning and Development Division, Government of Pakistan provides an overview of the state of girls’ education in Pakistan and offers recommendations for improvement. It analyzes the issue of low retention rates of girls in the education…

NCRC Strategic Plan 2023-2026

The strategic plan lays out NCRC’s vision, mission and approach to promote and protect children’s rights in Pakistan over the next four years. It introduces the commission and presents the strategic priorities and 5Es methodology of engagement, education, enforcement, evaluation and evidence generation. The overarching goal is to establish an…

Bringing All the Girls to School

This report discusses the persistent challenges faced by Pakistan in ensuring that all children have access to quality education, despite efforts spanning over seven decades. Although there have been notable improvements in recent years, particularly in enrollment rates, the fact remains that approximately 22.8 million children, with girls being the…


Commentaries on the encompass wide range of views and perspectives and do not reflect the Position of NCRC, OBUN2 or the Government of Pakistan.

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