Out of School

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OOSR & OOSC by Province, Stage, Gender

Male Female Total Male Female Total
Primary 28.40% 29.30% 28.80% 2,167,776 2,143,291 4,311,067
Middle 19.10% 21.10% 20.10% 830,912 865,006 1,695,918
High 39.70% 31.10% 35.60% 1,108,155 802,813 1,910,968
Higher Sec. 60.00% 58.10% 59.10% 1,614,066 1,428,992 3,043,058
Primary to Higher Sec. 32.70% 31.90% 32.30% 5,720,909 5,240,102 10,961,011
Primary 41.70% 52.60% 47.00% 1,632,349 1,951,940 3,584,289
Middle 29.60% 48.30% 38.50% 643,348 965,278 1,608,626
High 46.10% 54.90% 50.30% 626,069 669,382 1,295,451
Higher Sec. 57.10% 66.60% 61.50% 733,635 753,146 1,486,781
Primary to Higher Sec. 41.60% 53.90% 47.50% 3,635,401 4,339,746 7,975,147
Primary 17.70% 32.00% 24.60% 503,859 858,058 1,361,917
Middle 11.20% 36.00% 23.10% 177,013 524,762 701,775
High 24.60% 46.90% 35.20% 244,323 423,864 668,187
Higher Sec 41.50% 61.50% 51.00% 391,152 521,388 912,540
Primary to Higher Sec. 20.70% 39.50% 29.80% 1,316,347 2,328,072 3,644,419
Primary 59.60% 73.40% 66.20% 726,869 812,697 1,539,566
Middle 62.40% 74.00% 67.90% 403,709 427,147 830,856
High 66.30% 76.80% 71.20% 259,867 265,653 525,520
Higher Sec. 76.30% 83.20% 79.50% 274,275 261,096 535,371
Primary to Higher Sec. 63.60% 75.40% 69.10% 1,664,720 1,766,593 3,431,313
Primary 22.00% 22.50% 22.20% 29,604 28,804 58,408
Middle 9.10% 8.20% 8.70% 7,042 5,900 12,942
High 5.30% 3.80% 4.60% 2,636 1,742 4,378
Higher Sec 2.50% 2.10% 2.30% 1,233 890 2,123
Primary to Higher Sec. 13.10% 12.90% 13.00% 40,515 37,336 77,851
Primary 32.10% 38.80% 35.40% 5,060,457 5,794,790 10,855,247
Middle 23.30% 34.00% 28.50% 2,062,024 2,788,093 4,850,117
High 40.20% 42.50% 41.30% 2,241,050 2,163,454 4,404,504
Higher Sec 56.60% 61.80% 59.10% 3,014,361 2,965,512 5,979,873
Primary to Higher Sec. 34.90% 41.50% 38.10% 12,377,892 13,711,849 26,089,741

Source: Pakistan Education Statistics 2022-2023

Out of School Children Rate (OOSR)

Stage Gender OOSR 2021-22 OOSR 2022-23 OOSC 2021-22 OOSC 2022-23
Primary (Age 5-9)
Male 31.90% 32.10% 4,972,949 5,060,457
Female 39.50% 38.80% 5,801,941 5,794,790
Total 35.60% 35.40% 10,774,890 10,855,247
Middle (Age 10-12)
Male 24.30% 23.30% 2,106,672 2,062,024
Female 35.40% 34.00% 2,828,812 2,788,093
Total 29.70% 28.50% 4,935,484 4,850,117
High (Age 13-14)
Male 42.30% 40.20% 2,306,882 2,241,050
Female 45.30% 42.50% 2,238,655 2,163,454
Total 43.70% 41.30% 4,545,537 4,404,504
Higher Secondary (Age 15-16)
Male 57.60% 56.60% 2,992,570 3,014,361
Female 63.50% 61.80% 2,956,039 2,965,512
Total 60.40% 59.10% 5,950,609 5,979,873
Primary to Higher Secondary (Age 5-16)
Male 35.50% 34.90% 12,379,073 12,377,892
Female 42.80% 41.50% 13,827,447 13,711,849
Total 39.00% 38.10% 26,206,520 26,089,741
Source: Pakistan Education Statistics


Out of School (5-16)

Out of School Children (5-16) Population(5-16) Total Male Female Transgender
Pakistan 71,270,068 25,373,350 11,964,533 13,407,069 1,748
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 13,133,856 4,924,121 1,999,712 2,924,279 130
Punjab 35,578,562 9,600,164 4,772,207 4,826,873 1,084
Sindh 16,891,397 7,818,248 3,729,504 4,088,394 350
Balochistan 5,074,550 2,941,690 1,415,261 1,526,248 181
Islamabad Capital Territory 591,703 89,127 47,849 41,275 3
Source: Census 2023
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