SEHAT Sahulat is a great programme but universal health coverage has a much larger vision. Sehat Sahulat is a state-financed health insurance system for the curative care of hospitalised patients, whereas UHC means healthcare for all. After the universalisation of the Sehat Sahulat programme in the federal areas,
The 2024 observance of World Autism Day is aligned with the implementation status and progress on the Sustainable Development Goals. Autism is a neurodevelopmental condition representing human evolution and neurodiversity among all world populations. The SDGs are universally agreed goals adopted in 2015 by the UN to bridge
The report “Educational Exclusion of Children with Special Needs” published by the Pakistan Institute of Development Economics (PIDE) examines the challenges faced by children with special needs in accessing quality education in Pakistan using data from the Pakistan Social Living Standards Measurement (PSLM) 2019-20. It analyzes the various
LAST month, the Senate approved the `Islamabad Capital Territory Protection of Breastfeeding and Child Nutrition Bill, 2023` that aims to discourage the use of breast milk substitutes. Back in November, there had been heated speeches on the floor of the Upper House regarding the import and sale of
The strategic plan lays out NCRC’s vision, mission and approach to promote and protect children’s rights in Pakistan over the next four years. It introduces the commission and presents the strategic priorities and 5Es methodology of engagement, education, enforcement, evaluation and evidence generation. The overarching goal is to
VACCINES are the most cost-effective health care interventions. A dollar spent on a childhood vaccination not only helps save a life, but greatly reduces spending on future healthcare. Ezekiel Emanuel Importance of early childhood vaccination has become somewhat of a universal fact now but somehow Pakistan, a country
HEALTHY human capital is a critical gauge of economic stability. The money spent on healthcare is a major determinant of economic growth which can help increase income levels. According to S.J. Mushkin’s hypothesis, it is an investment that concerns the national economy and aids in high productivity and
A nice year old Hajra visited the paediatric ophthalmology department at our hospital with complaints of decreased vision. An examination revealed that her visual loss was significant and irreversible in both eyes. All that could be done at this stage was to prevent further loss of vision by
“State of Children Report” is an annual publication produced by the Society for the Protection of the Rights of the Child (SPARC), a non-governmental organization based in Pakistan. The report provides information on the situation of children in the country, covering various aspects such as health, education, violence
The Situation Analysis of Children in Pakistan, published by UNICEF Pakistan, considers the progress made in recent years and outlines issues to be considered in policy-making to strengthen the realisation of children’s rights. While taking stock of progress in Pakistan, it also identifies gaps and priorities for government-led
The state of children in Pakistan is a complex issue that is affected by a variety of factors. Many children in Pakistan face significant challenges. “The State of Children in Pakistan” report profiles the state of child rights and conditions of children in Pakistan, nationally, provincially and special