Insights From the 2023 Census Report

The 2023 Census conducted by the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics released its complete report in July 2024 indicates that the total population of Pakistan is 240 million out of which the population of children under 18 is 112 Million (47% of the total population). Children Population (under 18) Population under 18 Total Male Female Transgender Pakistan 112,472,700 58,099,978 54,370,121 2,601…

Juvenile Offenders in Punjab

The total number of convicted and undertrial juveniles imprisoned in various borstal institutes and jails of Punjab province was 645 as on 15 March 2022 (Prisons Department, Govt. of Punjab). Out of the total number of juvenile offenders, 81% (523) juveniles were on trial (under trial) and 19% were convicted…

Nutrition Challenge

WHEN a country’s children go hungry, its future withers. In Pakistan, where over 40pc of children under five are stunted, nearly 18pc are wasted, and more than half suffer from anaemia, malnutrition threatens to undermine a generation. For a middle-income country with nuclear capabilities and significant agricultural output, such statistics…

Where Is The Tender Face Of Justice?

Juvenile justice system addresses the needs of children which are in conflict with law. It provides child-friendly procedures and diversion instead of formal/hard judicial proceedings. It focuses on rehabilitation and reintegration of juvenile offenders into society. The specific mechanisms for administering juvenile justice have varied over time among societies. However, the concept…

Against Children

WHY is this country so against its own children and its own future? Are you surprised by this question? Look at some of the statistics and facts below and see if the question is still surprising. Some 40 percent of our children are said to be malnourished, that is, four…

Early-years Skills

IN the past centuries, many systems of education have been tried and tested around the world for early childhood education. Among these, the Montessori method, with its emphasis on freedom to learn and its hands-on approach, became very popular. The Reggio Emelia approach, with its focus on taking cues from…

Biometrics For Kids

ALTHOUGH the move has caused panic among weary parents mortified at the thought of carting their children to Nadra offices, the interior ministry’s recent directive to incorporate biometric features into Form B for 10-18-year-olds is not without its merits. While the immediate catalyst for this decision remains unclear, historical instances…

Learning From A Child

MY daughter, who is seven and a half, is my latest teacher. She is in grade two. She gets a fair bit of homework and she is kind enough that she lets me sit with her when she is doing her homework. I started sitting with her to see if…

Climate Resolutions 2025

2025 will be a year of new openings and possibilities for Pakistan. Several initiatives started during the outgoing year will approach completion and offer opportunities to integrate economic and climate priorities. For Pakistan, economic and climate vulnerabilities reinforce each other and hence they must be addressed simultaneously. We will learn…

A Year Of Interupted Learning

School days were repeatedly disrupted in 2024 due to political events, climate emergencies & govt decisions LAHORE/PESHAWAR/QUETTA:Twice this year, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif declared an education emergency. He drew attention to Pakistan’s education crisis of having 26 million out-of-school children. Yet both times, the reaction on ground to tackle this…

Education System Bedevilled By Instability

KARACHI. The matric and intermediate session for the academic year 2024/25 has been converted into a semester system due to the poor strategy and lack of planning exhibited by the Education Department in Sindh. This is the only session in which teaching will continue for barely six and a half…

Stolen Childhoods

Acknowledging a problem is the first step toward resolving it, and Sindh’s recognition of the alarming prevalence of child marriages and child labour is a necessary but overdue move. Figures recently revealed in the Sindh School Education and Literacy Department survey are just one of many studies conducted over the…
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