Insights From the 2023 Census Report

The 2023 Census conducted by the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics released its complete report in July 2024 indicates that the total population of Pakistan is 240 million out of which the population of children under 18 is 112 Million (47% of the total population). Children Population (under 18) Population under 18 Total Male Female Transgender Pakistan 112,472,700 58,099,978 54,370,121 2,601…

Juvenile Offenders in Punjab

The total number of convicted and undertrial juveniles imprisoned in various borstal institutes and jails of Punjab province was 645 as on 15 March 2022 (Prisons Department, Govt. of Punjab). Out of the total number of juvenile offenders, 81% (523) juveniles were on trial (under trial) and 19% were convicted…

Polio Challenge

POLIO has emerged as a major challenge in Pakistan. It is not simply a challenge in the health sector, but has also become both a security and political issue. It has been reported that 74 polio cases emerged in the country last year. Pakistan now has the dubious distinction of…

Inter Exam Results Controversy Put On The Backburner

No action taken on fact-finding committee’s report on low pass percentage in Karachi KARACHI: The Government of Sindh has put the issue of low grades of thousands of intermediate students in Karachi on the backburner. After protests by students and voices raised by the opposition members in the Sindh Assembly…

Abandoned Daughters

Beyond policy measures, there must be a fundamental shift in how daughters are perceived in society. The bodies of five newborn girls, discarded like garbage and mutilated by stray animals in Sialkot, reveal a horrifying reality of Pakistan’s deep-seated disregard for female life. This is a symptom of a society’s…

Woman Sues ‘Rapist’ For Child Support

LHC directs trial court to seek evidence about alleged rapist’s biological child LAHORE: The Lahore High Court (LHC) has directed a trial court to seek evidence from a woman to substantiate her claim that a certain individual is the biological father of her child conceived after her alleged rape. A…

How to Eradicate Polio?

Just days ago, another police officer has been martyred while guarding a health team administering polio drops to kids in Pakistan. Since 2012 many hundreds of Pakistani law enforcers and health staff engaged in polio eradication have sacrificed their lives. In a recent article in The Lancet, Prof Dr Zulifqar…

Public Schools Witness Low Enrolments

RAWALPINDI: Private schools have once again dominated the admission process for the 2025 academic year. Despite announcements, public schools have yet to begin new admissions, and a large number of parents have already enrolled their children in nearby private schools. Smaller private institutions with fees as low as Rs1,000 have…

Digital Children

AS most parents with young children will agree, the easiest way to pacify a bawling child is to hand them a smartphone, tablet, or other digital device. But though this might ensure temporary calm, the long-term effects of this practice — particularly the unsupervised use of digital devices — can…

Technical Education Sidelined By Government Colleges

With rampant unemployment, youth seeking skills training have to pay hefty fee for private courses Even as the Punjab government paints a positive picture of itself in the eyes of the youth by distributing laptops, the failure of the leaders to recognize the growing demand for technical education amidst an…

Autism Is Not A Tragedy, Ignorance Is

With no diagnosis & non-existent support, Pakistanis with autism remain misunderstood LAHORE/PESHAWAR/ISLAMABAD: In Pakistan, autism is perhaps the most misunderstood neurological condition. While some people term it a “disease” others see it as an attack of “supernatural forces”. In both the cases, the autistic child or adult is conveniently ostracised…


Pakistan’s prison system is at a breaking point, with over 102,000 inmates crammed into overcrowded, under-resourced facilities. Prison conditions in Pakistan fall significantly short of international standards, with inmates facing numerous systemic challenges, including severe overcrowding, unhygienic living conditions, insufficient access to clean water, nutritious food and healthcare, exploitative labour practices,…


Commentaries on the encompass wide range of views and perspectives and do not reflect the Position of NCRC, OBUN2 or the Government of Pakistan.

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