Children on the move


Punjab Facing Polio Virus Risk Due To Population Movement

LAHORE: Chief Minister’s Focal Person on Polio Uzma Kardar has said that Pakistan and Afghanistan’s future as polio-free countries are interlinked, reiterating that until the situation improves in Afghanistan, Pakistan cannot eradicate the virus. She expressed these views during her visit to the Emergency Operation Centre of Punjab where she was briefed by EOC Coordinator Khizer Afzaal. Polio eradication partners…

Displaced Persons Return To Tough Circumstances In Tirah Valley

KHYBER: Amid complaints about a lack of facilities and shortage of essential items, over 1,000 out of the total 2,041 displaced Kukikhel families have returned to the Thor Chappar area of Tirah Valley here since the second phase of their repatriation began on Oct 29, say officials. They, however, insist that most of the…


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