Child Online Protection - Page 5

Online Safety for All starts with All of Us

We are happy to share pictures – whether of holidays, celebrations and private moments – directly with each other. That’s beautiful and connects us. However, once online, this personal data is available worldwide and indefinitely. And that can have unforeseen consequences. Which one is described using the example of Ella. In order to prevent abuse, we are all called upon.…

Gang involved in trafficking of children for prostitution busted

KARACHI: Police on 22nd May 2024 claimed to have busted a gang allegedly involved in child trafficking and prostitution by arresting six suspects and recovering three children. `We have busted a gang involved in trafficking of children for prostitution, Orangi SP Saad Bin Ubaid told a press conference a this…

Islamabad police establish first cybercrime investigation unit

The newly inaugurated Cybercrime Investigation Unit within the Pakistan police department has been officially established as part of Islamabad Police’s efforts to strengthen the fight against cybercrimes. This milestone initiative comes on the heels of amendments to the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act (PECA), empowering Islamabad Police to register cybercrime…

Senator calls for action against websites exposing pornography

The Senate Standing Committee on Interior, led by Senator Mohsin Aziz, instructed relevant authorities on January 5, 2024 to take action in prohibiting websites housing questionable content to combat the escalating exposure of children to online explicit material. During the meeting, the committee addressed this issue along with other agenda…

Cruel Numbers 2022

Sahil’s ‘Cruel Numbers Report 2022’ compiles statistics on child abuse cases in Pakistan. From January to December 2022, data was collected from 81 national and regional newspapers to track incidents of Child Sexual Abuse, Abduction, Missing Children, and Child Marriages. The report reveals that a total of 4253 child abuse…

Man sentenced for sharing child pornography

As reported by Express News and Daily Tribune, a court in Faisalabad on March 11, 2023, sentenced a man involved in sharing child pornography to two years imprisonment and a fine of Rs 50,000. According to a spokesperson for the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA), the accused, Asif Mehmood Raza, had…

Tips for Digital Safety

Digital safety for children refers to the precautions and measures taken to ensure that children are safe when using digital technology such as the internet, social media, and online gaming platforms. It involves protecting children from online threats such as cyberbullying, inappropriate content, online predators, and identity theft. Learn how…
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Commentaries on the encompass wide range of views and perspectives and do not reflect the Position of NCRC, OBUN2 or the Government of Pakistan.

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