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Latest Research and Publications

Report: Digital Marketing Of Breastmilk Substitutes

Breastfeeding is widely recognized as the best source of nutrition for infants, providing significant benefits to both the infant and mother. However, the use of infant formula has become increasingly common on a global scale, largely due to powerful marketing

Tech Platforms Used by Online CSA offenders

Tech Platforms Used by Online Child sexual abuse offenders is a study released by Helsinki-based child rights NGO which provides alarming insights into the technology platforms frequently used by online child sexual abuse offenders. The research involved surveying over 30,000

NCRC Annual Report 2023-2024

The Annual Report 2023-2024 of NCRC provides a comprehensive overview of the organization’s functions, highlighting their 5 Es Approach, the launch of a 3-year strategic plan, and the establishment of strategic partnerships. The report then delves into their notable progress

Pakistan Economic Survey 2023-24

The Pakistan Economic Survey is an annual publication by the Ministry of Finance that offers a comprehensive review of the country’s economic performance over the past fiscal year. It covers a wide range of topics, including GDP growth, sectoral contributions,

NAT Findings Report 2023

“NAT Findings Report 2023” takes in account representative random sample of 1,304 public schools who took the 2023 National Assessment Test (NAT) which was administered to over 23,000 Grade 4 and Grade 8 students across Pakistan. It assessed students on
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