In a groundbreaking medical achievement, a team of doctors at the National Institute of Child Health (NICH) in Karachi successfully operated on two-month-old conjoined twins, Naila and Shumaila, hailing from Naushahro Feroze, Sindh.
The surgery, which lasted for ten hours, was a collaborative effort between specialists from NICH, NICVD, and SICH.
According to Director NICH, Dr Nasir Suddle, the health of the twins is now improving steadily. “The surgery was a complex and challenging procedure, but our team of experts worked tirelessly to ensure its success,” he said.
The twins were born on September 10 in a private hospital in the Godhra area of Karachi. Their father, Ghulam Mustafa, a rickshaw driver in the megalopolis, expressed his gratitude to the medical team for giving his daughters a second chance at life.
Experts from a private hospital were also consulted during the operation to ensure the best possible outcome. The successful separation of the conjoined twins is a testament to the exceptional medical expertise and facilities available at NICH.
News published in the Express Tribune on 3rd December 2024