Knowledge Base on Education

Education: A Ruthless Enterprise

A glaring injustice of this sector is the persistent and disproportionate increase in tuition fees. Education, the cornerstone of progress and national prosperity, is an inherent right of every individual. However, the private education sector has transformed into a ruthless commercial enterprise, prioritising financial gains over intellectual nourishment.

Educating Inmate’s Children

Studies show that children with a parent in prison are often at greater risk of discrimination. The judicial system of Pakistan leaves behind a sorry trail of distress for families of convicts, including financial strain, emotional turmoil and increased hardships for children. With little to no social or

10m Children Out Of School In Punjab

LAHORE: Around 10 million children in Punjab are out of school, a fact sheet issued by a nonprofit organisation has revealed, urging the provincial government to create educational opportunities for them. The report released by Population Council cited shortage of facilities, infrastructure, inflation and unemployment as the major

Children In Jails

PAKISTAN’S children in prison have often been treated like adult criminals. The Sindh government’s programme to educate 4,684 children of convicted prisoners in the province is a glimmer of light in a dark space. The scheme — an initiative of the education and prisons departments and Paigham-i-Pakistan —

Children’s Futures Shattered By 2022 Floods

As the climate crisis continues, children are increasingly exposed to illiteracy, child labour and early marriages LAHORE: Following the devastation caused by the heavy rains and catastrophic flooding in 2022, many people rallied to provide humanitarian aid through food, clothing and medicine for the affected families. However, no

Teacher Support

SOMEONE recently reminded me we don’t need great resources for teaching. A good teacher can teach under a tree. While this may have been true in another time, contemporary demands of technological integration in learning necessitate the development of infrastructure and a set of skills for the 21st

Inter Exam Results Controversy Put On The Backburner

No action taken on fact-finding committee’s report on low pass percentage in Karachi KARACHI: The Government of Sindh has put the issue of low grades of thousands of intermediate students in Karachi on the backburner. After protests by students and voices raised by the opposition members in the

Public Schools Witness Low Enrolments

RAWALPINDI: Private schools have once again dominated the admission process for the 2025 academic year. Despite announcements, public schools have yet to begin new admissions, and a large number of parents have already enrolled their children in nearby private schools. Smaller private institutions with fees as low as

Technical Education Sidelined By Government Colleges

With rampant unemployment, youth seeking skills training have to pay hefty fee for private courses Even as the Punjab government paints a positive picture of itself in the eyes of the youth by distributing laptops, the failure of the leaders to recognize the growing demand for technical education

STEAM Education In Schools

The responsibility for cultivating meaningful education lies with school administrations and teachers. Education is a journey for life, focusing on the practical ways and means of knowledge. The primary purpose of establishing educational institutions is to enlighten students, enabling them to become better citizens capable of addressing life’s

SDGs In Schools

AFTER the Millennium Development Goals failed to yield satisfactory results, the world needed a more holistic approach that could provide solutions sustainable in nature and that would have a global impact. Thereafter, the Sustainable Development Goals 2030, also called the ‘Global Goals’ and the ‘2030 Agenda’, were introduced

PUNJAB Notes Of Children

Poets and children have one thing in common; a sense of wonder. Albert Einstein would protest; don’t exclude the scientists. Their intuitive capability is an undying source of wonder that keeps them going in their pursuit of knowing what seems to be unknowable. With age this sense loosens
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