Videos - Page 4

Online Safety for All starts with All of Us

We are happy to share pictures – whether of holidays, celebrations and private moments – directly with each other. That’s beautiful and connects us. However, once online, this personal data is available worldwide and indefinitely. And that can have unforeseen consequences. Which one is described using the example of Ella.…

Say no to child labour and yes to education

Discover the harsh realities faced by children in automobile repair workshops through this compelling short animation. Witness the working conditions and hazards that challenge their safety and impede their education. This video is not just an eye-opener—it’s a clarion call for employers to adhere to child labor laws and for…

Child Protection Issues in Pakistan

“Child Protection Issues in Pakistan” features an interview with Afshan Tehseen Bajwa, the former Chairperson of the National Commission for Rights of Children (NCRC) in Pakistan. She discusses several child protection issues prevalent in Pakistan. These include child labor, child abuse, child marriage and lack of access to education. Bajwa notes that…

Protecting children from pesticides in Pakistan

This video highlights the Food and Agriculture Organization’s (FAO) unwavering commitment outlines the collaborative efforts of FAO and its partners in Pakistan, focusing on strategies and actions taken to reduce and prevent child labour in the agricultural sector.…

How to rethink education in Pakistan

In this TEDx talk by Jahanzeb Burana, he emphasizes the importance of teaching, encouragement, and direction in transforming classrooms, highlighting the need to change teachers’ mindsets to think and behave like salespeople.…
importance of parenting

Farq to Parta Hey

Children are greatly influenced by their surroundings. The actions of adults, rather than just their words, play a crucial role in shaping the emotional and social development of kids. A powerful message by Green TV Entertainment. Acknowledgement/ Credit: Green TV Entertainment…

Mathew | A Short Film

Mathew is an Urdu language short film whose story revolves around Iqbal Mathew, a 12-year-old house help. The film depicts the issue of inequality between different social classes and that how even relatively moderate and educated families can end up discriminating against and violating the equal citizenry rights of the…

Tips for Digital Safety

Digital safety for children refers to the precautions and measures taken to ensure that children are safe when using digital technology such as the internet, social media, and online gaming platforms. It involves protecting children from online threats such as cyberbullying, inappropriate content, online predators, and identity theft. Learn how…

What can we do to stop CDL?

In this educational video, GDP explains the factors for employing children in domestic settings and how the practice of child domestic labour in the home can be stopped. Courtesy: Group Development Pakistan  …

Role of Parents to Protect Children

Adults and parents have a responsibility to create a world without child abuse and to protect children from sexual abuse. In this video, Ahsan Khan highlights the need to raise awareness about protective measures need to be taken by parents. Myths about child abuse and child neglect can put children…


Commentaries on the encompass wide range of views and perspectives and do not reflect the Position of NCRC, OBUN2 or the Government of Pakistan.

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