Education - Page 50

state of education in Pakistan

Three school education depts merged into one authority

LAHORE: The Punjab government on 14 June 2024 established the Punjab Education, Curriculum, Training and Assessments Authority (PECTAA) after merger of three departments -Punjab Curriculum and Textbook Board (PCTB), Quaid-i Azam Academy for Educational Development (QAED) and Punjab Examination Commission (PEC) with a view to reform school education. Earlier, the government had constituted a five-member committee to integrate the three…

Annual Status of Education Pakistan 2023 – Provisional

The Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) is a survey of the quality of education. ASER seeks to identify gaps in educational data by looking to provide a reliable set of data at the national level, that is comprehensive and, at the same time, easy to understand. This year, ASER…

The State of Children in Pakistan

The state of children in Pakistan is a complex issue that is affected by a variety of factors. Many children in Pakistan face significant challenges. “The State of Children in Pakistan” report profiles the state of child rights and conditions of children in Pakistan, nationally, provincially and special areas/ territories,…

Is education a previlige?

October 5 is World Teacher’s Day, and for Pakistan, it should be one of those days to introspect and look upon its education and teaching standards. Pakistan is pitched as a big market, with huge potential, and no one fails to mention its bulging youth population. What those pitch decks…

How many more children will we sacrifice?

Nazir left home in a fury to locate his 12-year-old son, Shaheer, who had gone out with friends despite his disapproval. He soon caught sight of Shaheer flying kites with his mates. The sight of his son playing only added to his wrath and he couldn’t help but drag his…

A solution for millions of out-of-school children?

According to a UNICEF report, around 22.8 million children between the ages of five to16 are out of school in Pakistan. Unsurprisingly, these kids can neither read nor write, as a result of which they are labelled as illiterate or uneducated. Some scholars believe that such labelling is unjustified because children…
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