Education - Page 49

state of education in Pakistan

Three school education depts merged into one authority

LAHORE: The Punjab government on 14 June 2024 established the Punjab Education, Curriculum, Training and Assessments Authority (PECTAA) after merger of three departments -Punjab Curriculum and Textbook Board (PCTB), Quaid-i Azam Academy for Educational Development (QAED) and Punjab Examination Commission (PEC) with a view to reform school education. Earlier, the government had constituted a five-member committee to integrate the three…

Annual Status of Education Pakistan 2023 – Provisional

The Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) is a survey of the quality of education. ASER seeks to identify gaps in educational data by looking to provide a reliable set of data at the national level, that is comprehensive and, at the same time, easy to understand. This year, ASER…
Problems of Education System in Pakistan

Education ‘reimagining’ for a Change?

THE sentiment to ‘reimagine’ is commendable. We haven’t done well in many things, and should, if possible, ‘reimagine’ and try to do things better. But reimagining doesn’t mean that the solutions we come up with will be easy or straightforward or quickly implemented for results. ‘Reimagining’ may give solutions that…

Annual Status of Education Report ASER-PAKISTAN 2021

Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) is a citizen-led, household-based survey. It was conducted in 2021 during Covid-19 across 152 rural districts of Pakistan assessing the learning outcomes of children aged 5-16 while also collecting information on the impact of the pandemic on learning and other household indicators . The…

Mathew | A Short Film

Mathew is an Urdu language short film whose story revolves around Iqbal Mathew, a 12-year-old house help. The film depicts the issue of inequality between different social classes and that how even relatively moderate and educated families can end up discriminating against and violating the equal citizenry rights of the…

Out-of-School Children in Pakistan

Out-of-school children are children aged 5 to 16 who have never attended school and children who attended school and then dropped out. According to PSLM 2019-20, the proportion of children not attending school is 32 percent nationally in 2019-20. A regional comparison shows that the proportion of children out of…

Towards a Resilient Education Recovery from Pakistan’s Floods

“Towards a Resilient Education Recovery from Pakistan’s Floods” is a research report published by the Pakistan Coalition for Education (PCE), an initiative of Society for Access to Quality Education. The report, authored by Dr. Moizza B Sarwar, a development expert and Research Associate at the Department of Social Policy and…

Improving school attendance

A large number of children in Pakistan drop out of school because of the behaviour and strictness of teachers. A good teacher can lead to one hundred percent attendance of students. This message is brought to you by SPARC (NGO)…

SPARC State of Pakistan’s Children Report

“State of Children Report” is an annual publication produced by the Society for the Protection of the Rights of the Child (SPARC), a non-governmental organization based in Pakistan. The report provides information on the situation of children in the country, covering various aspects such as health, education, violence against children,…

Situation Analysis of Children in Pakistan

The Situation Analysis of Children in Pakistan, published by UNICEF Pakistan, considers the progress made in recent years and outlines issues to be considered in policy-making to strengthen the realisation of children’s rights. While taking stock of progress in Pakistan, it also identifies gaps and priorities for government-led programme interventions.…


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