Health Indicators


Health and Nutrition Indicators of Pakistan

Maternal Mortality Ratio (Per 100,000 Births)154179 
Neonatal Mortality Rate (Per 1,000 Live Births)40.439.4 
Infant Mortality Rate (Per 1,000 Live Births)54.1152.5450.1
Under-5 Mortality Rate (Per 1,000 Live Births)65.563.3 
Life Expectancy at Birth, (Years)66.366.1 
Births Attended by Skilled Health Staff (% of Total)68.0 
Immunization, Measles (% of children ages 12-23 months)838182
Prevalence of HIV, Total (% of Population Ages 15-49)0.20.2 
Incidence of Tuberculosis (Per 100,000 People)255264 
Infants Exclusively Breastfed (Aged 0-5 months)%47.547.8 
Stunting Prevalence Among Children (Under Age 5)%37.6 
Wasting Prevalence Among Children (Under Age 5)%7.1 
Source: Pakistan Economic Survey 2022-2023, World Development Indicators (WDI), UNICEF

The health and nutrition profile of Pakistan reveals a mixed picture, as seen through its performance across a range of indicators. In 2021, significant improvements were noted in key indicators such as neonatal mortality rate, infant mortality rate, and under-5 mortality rate compared to the 2020 year. Likewise, maternal mortality rate decreased from 179 to 154 deaths per 100,000 births between 2020 and 2021.

However, the country faced challenges in other areas, with a slowdown in the incidence of tuberculosis and measles immunization rates. Meanwhile, life expectancy at birth and HIV prevalence remained unchanged. In terms of meeting global nutrition targets for maternal, infant, and young child nutrition (MIYCN), Pakistan has achieved only two out of several targets according to the Global Nutrition Report 2022.

Regarding specific metrics, as of 2019, 41.3 percent of women aged 15 to 49 suffer from anemia, showing no improvement. Insufficient data hindered assessment of progress towards the low birth weight target. Pakistan made headway in achieving the exclusive breastfeeding target, with 47.8 percent of infants aged 0 to 5 months breastfed exclusively in 2019.

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