Causes and Impact of Child Marriages

Child marriage is prevalent in Pakistan for a variety of reasons, including deep-rooted traditions and customs. These can be categorised at social, economic, institutional, legal and political levels. Together, they affect the socio-economic status of an individual and a family and lead to child marriage. These factors operate at the state, community, family and individual levels and are highly dependent on the local context.


The common reasons behind performing child marriages in Pakistan, as per documented evidence, are as follows:

Gender inequalities

Gender inequalities contribute significantly to the prevalence of child marriage, particularly in societies where discriminatory norms persist. Deep-rooted stereotypes and biases often position girls as inferior, limiting their access to education and opportunities. When girls are perceived as burdens, families may resort to marrying them off at a young age, perpetuating a cycle of inequality. Child marriage becomes a manifestation of the broader gender disparities, reinforcing traditional roles that undermine the agency and autonomy of girls. Breaking the cycle of child marriage requires addressing these deeply ingrained gender norms and promoting equal opportunities for girls, enabling them to make informed choices about their lives and futures.

Traditional practices

Child marriage persists in Pakistan due to entrenched traditional practices deeply rooted in cultural, economic, and religious factors. Cultural norms, emphasising the preservation of traditions, contribute to the acceptance of marrying off girls at a young age in certain communities, while considerations of family honour and reputation play a pivotal role. Economic challenges and the perception of daughters as financial burdens drive some families to opt for early marriages as a means of alleviating financial strain. Additionally, misinterpretations of religious teachings or adherence to local customs may contribute to the prevalence of child marriage, despite Islam not explicitly endorsing the practice. The persisting gender inequality, where girls are sometimes considered liabilities, further perpetuates this harmful tradition, posing significant challenges to efforts aimed at eradicating child marriage in the country.

Lack of education

The lack of education serves as a significant barrier to social and economic progress, perpetuating cycles of poverty and reinforcing inequalities. In communities where educational opportunities are limited, individuals, especially girls, often face restricted access to knowledge, skills, and empowerment. This lack of education contributes to the persistence of harmful practices like child marriage, as girls may be viewed as having limited potential outside traditional roles. Without education, individuals may struggle to break free from socio-economic constraints, hindering personal development and societal advancement. Efforts to address issues like child marriage must prioritize educational access and quality to empower communities and pave the way for a more equitable and prosperous future.

Poverty and economic factors

Child marriage and poverty are intricately connected, forming a distressing cycle that disproportionately affects vulnerable communities. In impoverished settings, families grappling with financial hardships may resort to marrying off their daughters at an early age as a means of economic survival. Girls are often perceived as economic burdens, and marrying them off is seen as a way to reduce financial strain on the family. Unfortunately, this perpetuates a cycle of poverty as child brides face diminished educational opportunities and limited economic prospects. The lack of education further exacerbates the cycle, hindering the development of skills and perpetuating generational poverty. Breaking this detrimental link between child marriage and poverty necessitates comprehensive efforts addressing both social and economic factors to empower communities and provide pathways to sustainable development.

Inadequate legal assistance 

In many cases of child marriage, inadequate legal assistance exacerbates the challenges faced by those seeking protection and justice. Limited access to legal resources and support often leaves victims, particularly young girls, without the means to navigate the legal complexities surrounding early marriage. In regions where child marriage is prevalent, legal frameworks may be insufficiently protective or inadequately enforced, creating an environment where such practices can persist without consequence. The absence of robust legal assistance contributes to a lack of awareness about available remedies and rights, leaving victims vulnerable and without the means to escape or challenge forced marriages. Addressing the issue of child marriage requires not only legal reforms but also increased accessibility to legal aid and education, empowering individuals to seek protection and assert their rights in the face of this harmful practice.

Impact of Child Marriages

Child marriages profoundly impact children’s lives by denying them educational opportunities, perpetuating cycles of poverty, and exposing them to physical and mental health risks, including domestic violence and early pregnancies, leading to diminished autonomy and potential.

Health risks

Child marriage poses severe health risks, particularly for young brides who are not physically or emotionally prepared for marriage and childbirth. Early pregnancies resulting from child marriages increase the likelihood of complications during childbirth, contributing to higher rates of maternal and infant mortality. Young brides often face challenges related to inadequate healthcare, limited access to family planning, and increased vulnerability to sexually transmitted infections. The physical toll of early pregnancies on adolescent bodies can lead to long-term health issues, including malnutrition, anemia, and stunted growth. Moreover, the psychological impact of forced marriages, coupled with early responsibilities as wives and mothers, can contribute to mental health issues. Addressing the health risks associated with child marriage requires comprehensive efforts to ensure access to reproductive healthcare, education, and the eradication of this harmful practice.

Vulnerability and safety risks

Child brides are exceptionally vulnerable and exposed to a myriad of risks, trapped in situations that compromise their well-being and safety. These young girls, often lacking the physical and emotional maturity required for marriage, face heightened susceptibility to physical, emotional, and sexual abuse within the confines of early wedlock. Their vulnerability is exacerbated by limited autonomy and decision-making power, leaving them unable to protect themselves from harmful situations. Child brides are at an increased risk of early pregnancies, leading to health complications and higher maternal and infant mortality rates. Additionally, their restricted access to education and economic opportunities further perpetuates their vulnerability, limiting their ability to escape abusive relationships. To ensure the safety and well-being of child brides, it is imperative to address the root causes of child marriage, implement protective legal frameworks, and provide support systems that empower these young girls to lead lives free from harm.

Maternal and infant mortality

Child marriage significantly contributes to elevated rates of maternal and infant mortality. Young girls forced into early marriages often experience early pregnancies, and their immature bodies are ill-equipped to handle the physical demands of childbirth. This leads to a higher incidence of complications during pregnancy and delivery, increasing the risk of maternal mortality. Moreover, infants born to adolescent mothers face a greater likelihood of premature birth, low birth weight, and neonatal health issues. Inadequate access to healthcare and limited awareness about proper maternal and child health practices further exacerbate these risks. Tackling child marriage is crucial not only for promoting gender equality but also for mitigating the devastating impact it has on the health outcomes of both mothers and infants. Efforts should focus on comprehensive interventions, including education, healthcare access, and legal reforms, to break the cycle of early marriages and improve maternal and infant well-being.

Economic disempowerment

Child marriage and economic disempowerment are intertwined issues that mutually reinforce cycles of poverty and gender inequality. When young girls are forced into early marriages, they are often deprived of educational opportunities, limiting their ability to acquire skills and participate in the workforce. This lack of education perpetuates economic disempowerment, as these girls grow into women with limited earning potential and financial independence. Early marriages also contribute to early pregnancies, which can further restrict a girl’s ability to pursue economic opportunities. The economic disempowerment resulting from child marriage is not only a consequence but also a driver of this harmful practice, as families facing financial hardships may see marrying off their daughters early as a way to reduce perceived economic burdens. Breaking the cycle of child marriage requires addressing the economic root causes, promoting education and skills development, and creating opportunities for women and girls to participate meaningfully in the economy.

Psychological and mental health risks

Child marriage imposes significant mental health risks on young girls forced into early unions. The emotional toll of being thrust into adult responsibilities and relationships before psychological readiness can lead to anxiety, depression, and other mental health disorders. The power imbalances inherent in such marriages, with young brides often having limited agency and control, contribute to feelings of helplessness and low self-esteem. Early marriages can disrupt normal adolescent development, leading to identity crises and challenges in forming a sense of self. The pressure to fulfill adult roles, such as becoming a wife and mother, can result in chronic stress and emotional strain. Moreover, the lack of social support and isolation from peers due to early marriage can intensify mental health vulnerabilities. Addressing child marriage requires recognizing and prioritizing the mental well-being of those affected, implementing support systems, and fostering environments that allow for the emotional growth and resilience of young individuals.

Social Isolation

Child marriage often results in profound social isolation for young brides, as they are prematurely thrust into adult roles and responsibilities, limiting their interactions with peers and the broader community. The significant age gap between child brides and their adult counterparts can create barriers to forming meaningful connections and friendships. Social activities, such as education and community engagement, may be curtailed, further isolating these young girls. The pressure to conform to traditional gender roles and familial expectations can exacerbate their seclusion. Additionally, child brides may face stigma and judgement from their peers, leading to exclusion and alienation. This social isolation not only hinders the personal development of the girls but also perpetuates the cycle of child marriage, as limited exposure to alternative perspectives can reinforce traditional norms. Addressing the social implications of child marriage requires community awareness, support systems, and efforts to empower young girls to participate fully in social activities, education, and community life.


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