Azmat Habib

Insights From the 2023 Census Report

The 2023 Census conducted by the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics released its complete report in July 2024 indicates that the total population of Pakistan is 240 million out of which the population of children under 18 is 112 Million (47% of the total population). Children Population (under 18) Population under…

Report: Digital Marketing Of Breastmilk Substitutes

Breastfeeding is widely recognized as the best source of nutrition for infants, providing significant benefits to both the infant and mother. However, the use of infant formula has become increasingly common on a global scale, largely due to powerful marketing strategies employed by the formula industry. The aim of this…

NCRC, Scholars Address Child Marriage, Birth Registration

Islamabad: NCRC Pakistan, convened 3rd meeting of its Working Group of Religious Scholars. Agenda for the meeting was to initiate a dialogue on crucial issues like Child Marriage and Birth Registration among the religious leaders/scholars and to present research being conducted by NCRC in collaboration with UNICEF Pakistan and Oxford…
child marriage

The Unfortunate Trend Of Child Marriage

Child Marriage, one of the unfortunate and rampant trends, takes place in several parts of the country despite being prohibited under the relevant laws. Child marriage is a serious violation of children’s rights, something that ensures gender inequality. Young girls, in particular, are denied to enjoy their rights to education…
report child abuse

Report Child Abuse

Watch Basit’s story and learn the critical role of open communication between children and parents to combat child sexual abuse.  Let’s empower our kids to speak up and stay safe! Remember, if you suspect abuse, it’s vital to report it.  Report abuse: Call 1099 or 1121 immediately…
child labor

Help Stop Child Labor

Imagine a world where childhood dreams are replaced by labour. Moneeb’s story highlights the plight of many children forced into work due to economic hardships Let’s hold our community accountable and discourage hiring children for labour. Report such cases to 1099 or 1121!   …
ncrc and meta team discussion take it down

NCRC, Meta Team Up for Kids’ Privacy with “Take It Down”

The Chairperson @ncrcpak @ayesharazafarooq and the Minister of Law & Justice Senator Azam Nazeer Tarar had a meeting with @Meta and @ncmec team to discuss the launch of the “Take It Down” portal in Pakistan! This innovative platform will empower children under 18 years to prevent the non-consensual sharing of…
ncrc focal

NCRC’s Chairperson Joins Polio Fight as PM’s Focal Person

We are immensely proud to announce that @ayesharazafarooq, Chairperson of the @ncrcpak has been appointed as the Prime Minister’s Focal Person on Polio Eradication. On her very first day in this crucial role, she met with Chris Elias President of Global Development at the @gatesfoundation, and the Chair of the…


Commentaries on the encompass wide range of views and perspectives and do not reflect the Position of NCRC, OBUN2 or the Government of Pakistan.

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