A man accused of sexually assaulting a minor girl in F-9 Park has been arrested. The Islamabad Capital Police have successfully apprehended an accused named Sajid Ali who was accused of sexually assaulting a 12-year-old girl. The case was registered under section 376-PPC against the nabbed accused in Margalla police station. The Islamabad Capital City Police Officer (ICCPO), Dr Akbar Nasir Khan took immediate notice of the incident and issued directions to ensure the arrest of the accused on a priority basis. A special investigation team was formed under the supervision of SSP Investigation. Although, the accused had managed to flee from the crime scene the police team was able to successfully trace him down and arrest him. Senior police officers appreciated the performance of the police team and emphasized the crimes of this nature against women and children are utterly unacceptable and that those responsible will held accountable to the fullest extent of the law.
Acknowledgement: Published in the Express Tribune on 21st March 2024