In the province of Balochistan, special laws have been enacted for children, including:

Child Marriage Restraint Act, 1929

The federal law Child Marriage Restraint Act, 1929 is also enforced in Balochistan prohibiting child marriages and early marriages in the province.

Balochistan Technical Education and Vocational Training Authority Act, 2011

The Balochistan Technical Education and Vocational Training Authority Act, 2011 establishes a regulatory body that focuses on technical education and vocational training in Balochistan. The Act aims to enhance the quality of technical education and vocational training, promote skill development, and bridge the gap between industry requirements and the skills of the workforce. 

Section 3 directs the provincial government to establish the Balochistan Technical Education and Vocational Training Authority (BTEVTA). Section 5 empowers the Authority to regulate, monitor, and coordinate technical education and vocational training institutions. The Authority plays a crucial role in promoting technical skills, providing job-oriented training, and creating opportunities for employment and entrepreneurship in various sectors. Section 6 outlines the functions of the Secretary of the BTEVTA which includes formulating policies and guidelines, ensuring proper utilization of funds, developing and approving the curricula for various technical courses and programs, establishing mechanism for the assessment, certification, and recognition of skills acquired through technical education and vocational training, as well as monitoring and evaluating the performance of institutions and programs under BTEVTA’s jurisdiction. 

Section 9 focuses on the establishment of Institute Management Committees (IMCs). These committees play a vital role in the governance and management of technical institutions. These committees are responsible for overseeing the administration, financial management, and development of the technical institutions. They also ensure the implementation of quality standards, the alignment of programs with industry needs, and the overall improvement of the institutes’s performance. Moreover, Section 11 mandates the Authority to prepare and submit an annual report to the provincial government. The report includes details about the activities, programs, and initiatives undertaken by the Authority the preceding year. The purpose of the annual report is to provide transparency, accountability, and a comprehensive overview of the Authority’s performance to the government and other relevant stakeholders. 

Balochistan Compulsory Education Act, 2014

The Balochistan Compulsory Education Act, 2014 emphasises the right to education for every child and aims to improve the educational landscape in Balochistan by making education accessible, compulsory, and of high quality. The Act specifically emphasizes the importance of compulsory education for children between the ages of five and sixteen. 

Section 3 imposes an obligation on parents and guardians to ensure that their children are enrolled in schools and attend regularly to ensure their personal development, future opportunities, and overall well-being . By making education compulsory, the Act seeks to address issues of low enrollment rates and improves educational outcomes for children in the region. Section 4 addresses the formation of Parents School Management Committees to promote parental engagement and community participation in the management and improvement of schools. The provision specifies that these committees have various responsibilities, including monitoring the quality of education, participating in school improvement planning, promoting a safe and conducive learning environment, and collaborating with the school administration to address any issues or concerns. By involving parents and the community in school management, the Act aims to foster a sense of ownership and accountability, ultimately leading to the improvement of educational outcomes in Balochistan. 

Section 7 addresses the formation of a School Attendance Authority which acquires the power to take necessary actions to ensure that children attend school regularly. They can conduct inspections, investigate cases of non-attendance, and take appropriate measures to address the issue. The authority can issue notices to parents or guardians who fail to comply with the compulsory education requirements, and may impose penalties or initiate legal proceedings if necessary. Additionally, Section 8 outlines various offences related to non-compliance with Section 7 of the Act. The provision states that a parent or guardian who fails to enroll their child in a school or fails to ensure their child’s regular attendance in school as mandated by the Act, shall be held liable and subjected to a fine of five hundred rupees before a magistrate.

Balochistan Borstal Institutions Act, 2014

The Balochistan Borstal Institutions Act, 2014, is a law passed for the establishment and regulation of Borstal Institutions in Balochistan. A borstal institution is a type of detention center for juvenile offenders and is defined as the institution where juveniles may be detained and given education and training for their mental, moral and psychological development. The Act aims to provide a safe and secure environment for juvenile offenders and to provide them with opportunities for rehabilitation and re-integration into society.  The Act also includes provisions for the protection of the rights of young offenders, including their rights to education, health care, recreation and medical care amongst others and to have good physical environment and accommodation.

Balochistan Domestic Violence (Prevention and Protection) Act, 2014

The Balochistan Domestic Violence (Prevention and Protection) Act, 2014 aims to prevent and protect individuals from domestic violence, which includes physical, emotional, psychological, and sexual abuse by a family member or partner. The Act also provides for the protection and welfare of victims of domestic violence, and establishes a system for the investigation, prosecution, and punishment of domestic violence offenses. The law also establish a protection officer, who will provide assistance to the victim and take necessary steps for the protection of the victim. The Act also provides for the establishment of protection centers for the provision of shelter, legal aid and medical aid to the victims of domestic violence.

Balochistan Protection and Promotion of Breast-feeding and Child Nutrition Act, 2014 

The Balochistan Protection and Promotion of Breast-feeding and Child Nutrition Act, 2014 promotes and protects breastfeeding and child nutrition in Balochistan. The Act emphasizes the importance of exclusive breastfeeding an infant for the first six months and encourages continued breastfeeding alongside appropriate complementary feeding up to two years or beyond. The Act prohibits the promotion of breast milk substitutes and ensures that accurate information is provided to families about the benefits of breastfeeding. 

Section 3 directs the provincial government to establish the Infant Feeding Board. Section 4 empowers the Board to promote, protect, and monitor the implementation of the ordinance. The Board has the authority to conduct inquiries, inspections, and assessments to ensure compliance with the provisions of the Act, including monitoring the marketing and promotion of breastmilk substitutes and taking appropriate action against any violations. Section 7 outlines specific practices that are prohibited in relation to the marketing and promotion of breast milk substitutes. The provision prohibits the advertising, promotion, or distribution of breast milk substitutes through health workers or health facilities. Section 11 focuses on quality assurance measures for breast milk substitutes. The provision ensures that the manufacturing, labeling, and distribution of these products comply with specific standards recommended by the Codex Alimentarius Commission and the Codex Code of Hygienic Practice for Foods for Infants and Children to guarantee their safety and nutritional quality. Moreover, Section 17 pertains to the penalties for individuals and entities held liable for breaching the ordinance. The provision prescribes punishment of imprisonment for a term which may extend to two years, or with fine which shall not be less than fifty thousand rupees or more than five hundred thousand rupees, or both. 

Balochistan Healthcare Commission Act, 2014 

The Balochistan Healthcare Commission Act, 2014 establishes a regulatory body to ensure the quality of healthcare services in Balochistan. The Act aims to improve the standards of healthcare facilities, protect the rights of patients, and promote transparency and accountability within the healthcare sector. 

Section 3 establishes the Balochistan Healthcare Commission as an autonomous regulatory body responsible for overseeing healthcare services in the province. Section 4 empowers the Commission to regulate, inspect, and monitor healthcare establishments and evaluate their performance to ensure ongoing compliance with the set standards, as well as to investigate complaints and take necessary actions to ensure the provision of safe and quality healthcare services to the people of Balochistan. In addition to these functions, the Commission is also granted certain powers, which include the authority to conduct inspections and assessments, gather information, issue licenses, take disciplinary actions against non-compliant facilities, and impose penalties or fines when necessary. Section 12 directs the Commission to establish a Technical Committee, Finance and Grant Committee, Performance Review Committee, Continuous Quality Improvement Committee, Legal and Legislation Committee, and more, to support the functions of the Commission. Section 14 directs the Commission to establish a Technical Advisory Committee to support its functions. The Committee is responsible for providing expert advice and recommendations to the Board on technical matters related to healthcare regulation and improvement. The Committee comprises professionals from various relevant fields, such as medicine, nursing, mental health, and other specialties. Section 15 and Section 16 prohibits a healthcare establishment from operating without being registered and acquiring a valid license issued by the Commission. Moreover, Section 40 mandates the Commission to prepare and submit an annual report to the provincial government. The report includes details about the activities, programs, and initiatives undertaken by the Commission the preceding year. The purpose of the annual report is to provide transparency, accountability, and a comprehensive overview of the Commission’s performance to the government and other relevant stakeholders.

Balochistan Child Protection Act, 2016

The Balochistan Child Protection Act, 2016 aims to provide for the protection of children in Balochistan from all forms of physical or mental violence, injury, neglect or negligent treatment, maltreatment or exploitation, including sexual abuse. Under the Act, the Child Protection Commission is to establish within the Social Welfare department of the government of Balochistan, functions as an advisory, coordinating and monitoring body while each District Social Welfare Office should carry out the actual child protection work through its Child Protection Unit. Responsibility of the Child Protection Unit  includes receiving complaints and reports of child abuse, conducting investigations, and providing assistance and support to children who are victims of abuse or exploitation. The Act also provides for the creation of a Child Protection Committee at district level for monitoring and implementation of the provisions of the act.

Balochistan Persons with Disability Act, 2017

The Balochistan Persons with Disabilities Act, 2017 aims to promote the rights and inclusion of persons with disabilities in Balochistan. The purpose of the Act is to ensure equal opportunities, non-discrimination, and full-participation of persons with disabilities in all aspects of life. The Act provides a framework for the protection of their rights, access to education, healthcare, employment, and other services. 

Section 3 focuses on the principles of equality and non-discrimination for persons with disabilities. The provision emphasizes that persons with disabilities have the right to be treated equally and without discrimination in all areas of life, including education, employment, healthcare, and access to public facilities. The provision prohibits any form of direct or indirect discrimination based on disability and promotes the inclusion and participation of persons with disabilities in society. Section 9 emphasizes the right of persons with disabilities to receive an inclusive and equitable education. The provision mandates educational institutions to provide reasonable accommodation and support services to ensure that persons with disabilities have equal access to educational opportunities. The provision also highlights the importance of adapting teaching methods, materials, and facilities to meet the diverse needs of students with disabilities. The aim is to promote inclusive education and remove any barriers that may hinder the educational progress of persons with disabilities. 

Moreover, Section 22 outlines the functions of the Provincial Council for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The Council is established to provide guidance and recommendations to the government on matters related to the empowerment of persons with disabilities. The functions of the council include advising the government on the formulation of policies, strategies, and programs for the empowerment of persons with disabilities, promoting awareness and understanding of disability issues in society, conducting research and studies on disability-related matters to inform policy development, monitoring the implementation of the Act and recommending measures for its effective implementation. Furthermore, Section 28 establishes Special Disability Courts to handle cases related to violations of the rights of persons with disabilities, ensuring that their rights are protected. 

Balochistan Employment of Children (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 2021

Balochistan Employment of Children (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 2021 aims to regulate and prohibit the employment of children in Balochistan province. A child is a defined as any person who has not completed  fourteenth year of age, and adolescent or young person is defined as a person who has completed fourteenth year of age but has not completed eighteenth year of age. Children below 14 years are allowed to do light work, not more than 3 hours a day, which is not likely to be harmful to children’s health and development. No person under the age of 18 years are permitted to work in any hazardous occupations and that are of the worst kind in natures, including 4 occupations and 38 processes. Child domestic labour is also listed as prohibited process under the Schedule. Under the law, the Government shall notify the Balochistan Coordination Committee on Child Labour comprises of eight members to advise government for appropriate legislative, administrative and other measures for the eradication of child labour as per national and international instruments.

Balochistan Forced and Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act, 2021

Balochistan Forced and Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act, 2021 provides for abolition of forced labour and bonded labour system with a view to prevent the economic and physical exploitation of workers and for matters connected.  The Act also provide penalties for employers who violate the law. Vigilance Committees shall be set up at the District level, consisting of representatives of the District Administration, Bar associations, press, recognized Social Services and Labour Department of Government and elders of the area to advise the government for the implementation of the law.

National Laws

Kindly check national laws which also have jurisdiction in the province of Balochistan.


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